Změnit instituci

Core Facility Seminar

Core Facility Seminar

WHEN: April 28, 2015
WHERE: Brno Observatory and Planetarium, Kraví hora 2, 616 00 Brno

Morning programme

Detailed programme can be found HERE.

Afternoon programme

15:30 Opening

15:40 Andreas Tiran - Introduction to CSF

15:50 Thomas Hauser - Merging of existing facilities, Providing services and infrastructure, General principles of pricing model

16:05 Andreas SommerEvaluation of user satisfaction, Core facility organization and process optimization

16:20 Peggy Stolt BergnerCooperation with research groups and companies, Emerging technologies

16:30 Attila Gyenesei - PR and marketing, Participation in EU projects

16:40 - 17:15 Discussion

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