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Communicating Science to Diverse Audiences and Public Engagement Events: A Practical Workshop

Communicating Science to Diverse Audiences and Public Engagement Events: A Practical Workshop

Communicating Science to Diverse Audiences

WHEN: 2nd – 4th October 2017
WHERE: University of East Anglia, Norwich United Kingdom

TOPIC: This workshop will improve understanding of how science is disseminated to diverse audiences, including those with limited scientific knowledge. Workshop attendees will be made aware of different models of science communication and will highlight how science communication has been shaped over the last 300 years, going on to review current models surrounding science communication. The workshop will evaluate how scientific culture interfaces with the public, leading to an improved understanding about learning and communication theories of science.

Public Engagement Events: A Practical Workshop

WHEN: 23th-26th October 2017
WHERE: University of East Anglia and Norwich city centre, Norwich, United Kingdom

TOPIC: It is increasingly important that research scientists disseminate their data and conclusions to diverse audiences. This workshop will assist attendees to develop activities that describe their own scientific research to audiences with limited scientific knowledge. The workshop will culminate in the presentation of an activity at the Norwich Science Festival.

Number of places at the workshops is limited. Please REGISTER below. Registration DEADLINE is 15th September.


I want to participate in workshop (One can register either for both workshops or for the 1st one only):



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