Změnit instituci

CF MAFIL Open Days

CF MAFIL Open Days

WHEN: 13.11.2015; 09:00 - 10:30 meeting, 10:30 - 12:00 laboratories
WHERE: room 211 (meeting), building A35, entrance from Studentska street, Brno

Meeting with users

We would like to invite you to a short meeting between MAFIL staff and users (both existing and potential). The meeting will start with presentation of MAFIL services, equipment, and news. We also would like to discuss all issues related to measurement of data (or usage of any other service) in CF MAFIL.

The feedback from users is really appreciated for us.

The meeting will be accompanied by Open Days of CF MAFIL – all attendants can visit MAFIL laboratories, see our equipment and discuss whatever with CF staff.

Contact person: Michal Mikl, core facility head


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