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We are delighted to invite you to the internal CEITEC Spring Workshop 2014!

WHEN: Tuesday, April 22, from 17:00
WHERE: Brno Observatory and Planetarium, Kraví hora 2

Please register by April 11 at the latest HERE.

Among others, this time you can look forward to lectures delivered by two interesting scientists:

  • Karel Říha (Plant Molecular Biology research group leader, CEITEC). Karel studies genome stability, meiosis and mechanisms of gene expression. He is the author of over 30 publications in renowned scientific journals such as Genes & Development, EMBO Journal, Molecular Cell, PNAS or Science. In 2013, he received an EMBO Installation Grant and is the only Czech scientist to have done so in that year. EMBO – the European Molecular Biology Organization gives these grants once a year.
  • Reza Ghodssi (Director of Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, USA). Reza's research interests are in the design and development of microfabrication technologies and their applications to micro/nano devices and systems for chemical and biological sensing, small-scale energy conversion and harvesting. At Maryland, his research group has pioneered the development of next generation PowerMEMS devices supported on micro-ball bearing, MEMS-based gray-scale technologies and the use of novel III-V optical MEMS devices and systems for chemical and biological detection.

Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to hear our special guest Gabrielle Bertier from EU-LIFE, an alliance of top research centres that operate with similar principles of excellence, external reviews, independence, competitiveness, and internationality. Her lecture will be entitled “EU-LIFE, a new alliance to build and promote Excellence in Life Sciences“. The founding of EU-LIFE has been in preparation since the beginning of 2013 and officially the process was concluded with the signing of the founding agreement at the end of January 2014. CEITEC is one of the proud founders.

Of course, you will also hear about what’s new at CEITEC. Interesting lectures and presentations will be followed by an informal get-together with music and other interesting entertainment. The detailed programme of the event can be found HERE.


Please register by April 11 at the latest HERE.


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