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BISON GUEST LECTURE: Heterocovariance a new tool for the efficient detection of bioactive compounds in complex mixtures

BISON GUEST LECTURE: Heterocovariance a new tool for the efficient detection of bioactive compounds in complex mixtures

WHEN: 15/11/2017 at 11.00
WHERE: CEITEC MU, Room 145/A35
INVITED LECTURER: Prof. Emmanuel Mikros, Department of Pharmacognosy, University of Vienna


Spectral data reflect concentration variations of the components of an extract and can correlate statistically with measurable dose-dependent properties such as bioactivity. A carefully planned fractionation of plant material can generate a concentration variance of the components and can be reflected on the corresponding spectroscopical data. Correlation of these data with bioactivity would result to the identification of active constituents in the complex extract or fraction mixtures prior to any purification step. Examples of the fractionation procedure using the Centrifugal Partition Chromatography technique (CPC) and the correlation of NMR and MS data with bioactivity to identify the active constituents through the Heterocovarience statistical analysis will be discussed. This highly innovative activity-based-metabolite-profiling can dramatically accelerate the discovery of active natural products challenging global biodiversity and chemodiversity.

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