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Biomacromolecular Crystallization Workshop

Biomacromolecular Crystallization Workshop

WHEN: October 23–26, 2017
WHERE: room 211, A35 (lectures) and room 223, A4 (practicals), University Campus Bohunice


Crystallization of biomacromolecules (proteins, nucleic acids) and their complexes is a well-established method in 3D structure determination. Since 1970's it resulted in almost 120 000 individual structures (90% of all structures in PDB). Obtaining the crystal is a crucial step of the technique, since macromolecular crystallization is a macromolecule concentration, composition of precipitant solution, technique applied, size/volume of the mixed drop, temperature, impurities, handling, etc.

In this workshop, the attendees should gain the knowledge about various aspects of crystallization as well as about the whole process of structure determination. Practical part (limited to 12 persons) will be focused on real crystallization set-up by several techniques including high-thoughput automation.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Serge Perez (CERMAV-CNRS, Grenoble, France)
  • Clare Stevenson (UEA, Norwich, UK)
  • Gabriel Demo (UMMS, Worchester, USA)
  • Juliette Devos (ILL, Grenoble, France)
  • Terese Bergfors (UU, Uppsala, Sweden)
  • Josef Houser (CEITEC MU, Brno, CZ)

Programme of workshop is HERE

Registration is HERE.

For more information please contact us:


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