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Pokročilé nano a mikrotechnologie Pokročilé materiály Strukturní biologie Gen. a prot. rostlin. systémů Molekulární medicína Výzkum mozku a lidské mysli Molekulární vet. medicína

Axial-torsion testing system

Name: Axial-torsion testing system
Instrument description: In the development of new materials and in the design of machines and equipment produced using new materials subjected in service to multiaxial variable loading it is necessary to know their parameters and to study the response of these materials in service-like loading situations. Axial-torsion testing system represents one of the most demanding systems allowing to test material samples in combined loading in tension-compression and simultaneous torsion in a wide interval of temperatures up to temperature 1400 C. It allows to acquire data necessary for assessment of fatigue properties of materials in complicated loading conditions. The system is controlled by a special digital control unit, which coordinates loading channels and works in close loop regime. Personal computer is used for entering input parameters and for collecting and storing output data. The maximum force is +- 100 kN and torque +-1100 Nm. System is equipped with a high temperature furnace, load cell for axial force and torque and combined extensometers for axial and torsion strain in a wide interval of temperatures. The system is also equipped with a powerfull software with application programms for performing special tests in the domain of fatigue and plastic deformation of materials. It is a unique equipment absent in any materials research centre in the Czech Republic. Contains 1x axial-torsion testing system.Total 1 piece.
Research group: Advanced Metallic Materials and Metal Based Composites

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00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 24:00
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