Změnit instituci

Application for the Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Summer school

WHEN: 22 - 26 June, 2015
WHERE: South Moravian Innovation Centre (JIC), Purkyňova 649/127, Brno – Medlánky 612 00


The international summer school is planned for 5 days and offers to students and young researchers attractive lectures given by scientists from different universities as well as from industrial sector. The lectures will review the research activities and current trends and knowledge in the fields of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials. The discussion at round tables will support the international cooperation within research and development and promote the transfer of novel ideas into project proposals. A demonstration tour in the laboratory facilities for developing and characterizing nanoscale materials and presentation of state-of-the-art techniques in advanced material fabrication will be included to enhance the new research opportunities for students and teachers.

The aim of the workshop is also to initiate international student exchange and co-guidance of PhD students resulting in sustainable and long-term collaboration

Detailed programme can be found HERE.

Desirable outcome of the workshop: 

The summer school/workshop aims at training of young researchers and post-doc fellows for new scientific team and centers supported by mutual exchange internships and strengthening further collaboration at the level of new international projects (within EU as well as non-EU) together with participation of interested companies.

Therefore, a desirable outcome is an application of new research projects proposals in the field of nanotechnology and advanced materials within EEA and Norway grants as well as Horizon 2020.

The newly established contacts shall be kept up as an open network with regular email-communication on future projects and events.  

Deadline for applications -  15th of June

eea grantsnorway


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