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Masarykova univerzita - CEITEC MU
The main research focus is on study of early imaging, biochemical and genetic markers of neurodegenerative brain diseases (from an animal model to human studies), pathophysiological mechanisms for neuropathic pain, immunopathological mechanisms of multiple sclerosis, and cognitive and behavioural symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia. We particularly use multimodal brain and spinal cord imaging alone or in combination with noninvasive brain stimulation such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). rTMS utilizes rapid magnetic pulses applied over the scalp with a small hand-held coil to induce precisely timed and localized electrical currents within the cortex of human subjects. It provides a non-invasive tool for studying pathophysiological mechanisms of various motor, cognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms and may induce treatment effects. Other techniques have also been employed including quantitative sensory testing (QST), dynamic QST, and immunohistochemistry of dermal nerve fibers using skin biopsy.
seznam / vizitky
The research group will be one of the principal users of the equipment available within CEITEC Molecular and Functional Imaging Core Facility.
rTMS system with frameless stereotaxy
29. ledna 2018 9:46
LECTURE: Dr. Ondrej Hovorka: Models of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications MONDAY, 5. 2. 2018 Seminar room C2.11, from …
25. ledna 2018 18:21
WHEN: 30. 01. 2018 WHERE: CEITEC BUT, Purkynova 123, large meeting room SPEAKER: Dr Andriy Marko TALK: Advances in PELDOR…