Změnit instituci

ANNIVERSARY Night of Better coopEration in sciEntific Research - vol. 15

ANNIVERSARY Night of Better coopEration in sciEntific Research - vol. 15

WHEN: June 25, 2015 from 16:30
WHERE: Café Práh, Ve Vaňkovce 1, Brno 

What can you expect?

  • Quick science slideshows
  • Cooperation set-up
  • Networking
  • Discussion
  • CEITEC Pub Quiz 


16:30 Registration 
17:00 - 19:00 Pub Quiz 
19:00 - 20:00 Science slideshows
20:00 - Concert: Led Zeppelin revival

Don´t know what CEITEC Pub QUIZ is? 
It is a team game where you can expect 30 + 1 curious questions spanning categories such as world news & CEITEC, sports, music, movies, literature, history and many more. In 3 rounds of 10 questions and 1 bonus question teams of 3 – 6 members collect points for each correct answer. 
The team with the most points wins a valuable prize and an additional small prize is awarded for the 31st bonus question. 
All you have to do is put together a team up to 6 students and book a table at facebook

First beer is on us :-)

You can confirm your attendance right now here or by e-mail

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