Změnit instituci

2nd CEITEC Nano User Meeting

2nd CEITEC Nano User Meeting

2nd CEITEC Nano User Meeting – 30th Nov 2017

CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure (buildings C+S)
Purkyňova 123, 612 00 Brno

Preliminary programme:

  • 8:30–9:10 Registration - Hallway Building "C"
  • 9:15–10:45 Conference Room - Building "S"
  • Opening word
  • Invited lectures:

Jon Ander Arregi: X-ray diffraction study of the magnetostructural phase transition in FeRh

David Gruber: Micromechanical and Synchrotron based Techniques for Cross-sectional Investigations of Functional Thin Films

  • 10:45–11:15 Coffee break
  • 11:15–12:00 Panel discussion + user committee election Conference Room - Building "S"
  • 12:00–13:00 Lunch buffet - Building "C", 1st Floor
  • 13:00–15:00 Surprise
  • 15:00–17:00 Poster session - Building "C", 1st Floor
  • 17:15 Best poster & Best image Award ceremony - Building "C", 1st Floor
  • 17:30 Banquet - Building "C", 1st Floor

If you want us to print your poster send a .pdf file to by Friday November 24, 2017.

Best micrograph award - send your image (one image per registered participant) in .tiff, .png or .jpg format to by Friday November 24, 2017.


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