Změnit instituci

2nd BioSAXS hands-on seminar

WHEN: September 20, 2016, start at 9 am

WHERE: CEITEC, building A35, University Campus, Brno


9:00–10:00 Data aquisition
10:00–11:00 Introduction, Monitoring of the experiment
11:00–13:00 Lunch Break
13:00–14:00 Data reduction, Integral structural parameters
14:00–15:00 ab initio modeling
15:00–16:00 Basics of rigid body modeling
16:00–17:00 Closing discussion

Participants are asked to bring own laptops with ATSAS package (download) and UCSF
Chimera (download) installed.

Register at before Fri 16th September. The course is
fee-free, no food nor beverages are covered by organizers.

Seminar organized within the research infrastructure CIISB (LM2015043) supported by MEYS CR.

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