Změnit instituci

17th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA-17)

On behalf of the International Scientific Committee and the Local Organizing Committee we cordially invite you to participate in the 17th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA-17)

Following the tradition and success of previous ICSMA conferences, the ICSMA-17 meeting will provide an opportunity to present recent results achieved in the field using up-to-date experimental and modelling methods. Twelve scientific topics not only cover standard areas - fatigue, creep and multiscale modelling - but they also focus on emerging topics such as deformation of biological and bio-inspired materials. The meeting will further promote our fundamental understanding of the processes that govern the strength of materials at different length and time scales and will forge links between basic studies and investigations of technologically important engineering materials. Thus, ICSMA-17 will represent a broad forum for the presentation and discussion of all aspects related to the strength and deformation of a wide range of materials.

We are looking forward to welcoming you and your significant ones in Brno, where we strive to prepare an exciting program for both scientific and social exchanges.

Antonín Dlouhý and Ludvík Kunz
Chairman and Co-chairman of ICSMA-17 


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