Změnit instituci

PhD School

CEITEC PhD School is an innovative, interdisciplinary, fast-growing, and internationally-oriented PhD School based on a strategic partnership of leading universities and research institutes in the region that are part of the CEITEC research centre. Thanks to their cooperation the CEITEC PhD School offers access to state-of-the-art infrastructure and training in an interdisciplinary scientific community. The following institutions are participating in the setting up of the centre: Masaryk UniversityBrno University of TechnologyMendel University in BrnoUniversity of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in BrnoVeterinary Research Institute and the Institute of Physics of Materials of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

The aim of the CEITEC PhD School is to provide students from around the world with an opportunity to get an education in contemporary scientific disciplines – with the standards of excellent foreign scientific institutions – in the inspiring environment of the city of Brno that has been long established as a city of science and biotechnology.

sipka What we offer our students

The CEITEC PhD School is closely linked with Masaryk University, Brno University of Technology, Mendel University in Brno and other partner scientific institutions and can guarantee a high standard of education with top-level staffing.

Regarding infrastructure, CEITEC offers unique technologies, state-of-the-art infrastructure, specialized laboratories and core facilities for both basic and applied research that are accessible to all CEITEC PhD students at all partner institutions.
Students have the opportunity to study in conditions corresponding to European standards (Bologna Process). Education is divided into annual cycles during which students keep to their individual educational plan and work on their scientific projects under the supervision of experienced educators and mentors. The projects are aimed at interdisciplinary topics and, according to their content, they are destined to result in major scientific discoveries, the applicability is also emphasized.

As the language of communication, English is continually developed among students in regular courses, especially in subjects that strengthen the soft skills of students, so that, on graduation, they are able to join international research teams around the world.

sipka CEITEC PhD School in a Nutshell

  • An innovative approach to education using the long‐standing experience of partner institutions
  • The support of interdisciplinary projects
  • Above standard staffing and state-of-the-art infrastructure
  • Communication in English
  • Training in soft skills
  • Above standard scholarship
  • Quality mentoring provided by educators with international experience
  • Students Ombudsman
  • Equal conditions for admission
  • Welcome Services” for foreign students (including a free Czech course)
  • Social activities for all students
  • 4 year PhD programme

sipka Who are we looking for?

At interview, we want to see graduates of Master’s degree studies (or any equivalent) in the fields of life sciences and material sciences (i.e. biology, (bio) chemistry, (bio) medicine, (bio) technology, (bio) informatics, (bio) physics, engineering and other related fields).

Education is carried out in English, and thus it is vital for an applicant to have outstanding skills in this language. It is not necessary to give evidence of any language examinations or tests although presenting any certificates gained at admissions is seen an advantage.

A candidate should have a clear idea about his/her career that should be closely related to a profession of scientific research in the field of the life sciences or material sciences. Particularly, we are interested in those with a great deal of personal motivation to succeed in intensive studies and with the intrinsic power to take responsibility for their future and to continue with the pursuit of scientific activities.

Study programmes


  • Life Sciences programme

Olga Křížová

Manažerka PhD studia, zástupkyně vedoucího oddělení
  • Administrativní podpora CEITEC PhD School
  • Stipendia
  • Ceny a ocenění
  • Evaluace
  • Správa vědeckých výsledků
  • Repozitář zaměstnaneckých prací
  • Studijní agenda – organizace výuky na CEITEC MU, informační servis zahraničním studentům a asistence při procesu jejich přijímání, organizace akcí souvisejících se studiem
  • Vědecké a studentské stáže a pobyty
  • Stipendia
  • Ceny a ocenění (informační servis, pomoc při sběru podkladů k připravovaným nominacím)
  • Evaluace
  • Správa vědeckých výsledků
Telefon: +420 54949 5252
  • Advanced Materials and Nanosciences programme

Ing. Renáta Hritzová

Studijní referentka
Telefon: +420 54114 9634


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